Frequently Asked Questions for Missionaries

What kind of Mission is this ?

The Heber Valley Camp is primarily a Youth Camp. Missionaries serve for two consecutive summer seasons helping to operate the camp. This is an “outdoor mission”. Camp attire is blue jeans and camp shirts. Missionaries who serve here love working with the youth and their leaders, and they love working together with the other missionaries. It is a mission where there are trees to be cleared, canoes to get on the lake, challenge courses to manage, trails to maintain, and camps to host, most importantly, testimonies to be strengthened. The average age of missionaries serving is about 70 years. With Heber Valley Camp a mission now, and with most missionaries serving for just two years, opportunities to serve are almost always available. We would love to hear from you.

What will I be doing ?

A Heber Valley Camp Missionary’s first purpose is to help the youth of the church come closer to the Savior. Providing an outdoor experience where the Spirit may be felt is central to what missionaries do, whether they are presenting to a group of young women, young men, or clearing a fallen tree from a trail. Missionaries are assigned by the Mission Presidency to serve in one of 7 missionary zones.

Where will I live ?

Heber Valley Camp has about 110 -120 couples who operate the camp. Most missionary couples are housed in their recreational vehicle and have a side-by-side or ATV with them. There are 82 RV sites, with full hook-ups at the camp. There are 8 missionary cabins as well, for those who don’t own an RV. There is typically a year or more waiting list for cabins. The monthly rent for an RV space is $400, which includes all utilities, propane for the RV and gas for the ATV. Cabin rent is $700 per month and includes utilities and gas for the ATV.

How do I apply to serve ?

Full-Time Missionaries, applicants wishing to serve in the Heber Valley Camp Mission (HVCM), will need the help of the Mission Presidency to navigate through the application process of receiving a mission call to serve at HVCM. Please fill out the “Prospective Missionary Survey”, and we will reach out to you. (See instructions below)

Local members wishing to serve 2-3 days per week will be called as Senior Service Missionaries . Please fill out the “Prospective Missionary Survey” and one of the Mission Presidency will reach out to you.

Instructions: If you are interested in serving as a missionary in the Heber Valley Camp Mission please go to the Home Page and hit the link to the Prospective Missionary Survey. Filling out this survey does not mean that you are committing to serve. It will open the door, so that you can get your questions answered and receive direction.

Health and Safety

Safety is our first priority at Heber Valley Camp, both for the guests of the camp and for the missionaries who serve here. Missionaries receive extensive training during April & May, before the campers start coming near the end of May.

What should I bring ?

Start with an RV and some off road ground transportation. Your RV may be parked several miles from where you will be working on any given day, so you will need a trail vehicle of some kind. Dress for all kinds of weather. You will most likely see snow while you are here, as well as hot summer days and some thunderstorms. Camp uniforms can be purchased from Signature Press. Click here for their website. Bring your scriptures, Preach My Gospel, and Relief Society and Priesthood manuals. You will receive a more detailed set of instructions during the winter months prior to April, when you begin to serve.

What does it cost to serve ?

The major cost of serving in the Heber Valley Camp Mission is the cost of an RV and an ATV. If you are going to live in an RV, rent of $400 per month is paid to your home ward. Typical, total monthly expenses are what your living expense currently is, plus the $400 RV space rent. This rent includes full water and sewer hookups, electricity, propane for the RV and gas for your ATV or side-by-side. If you are one of the few in a cabin, the rent s $700 per month, which also includes utilities and gas for your ATV or side-by-side.

Buy or Sell an R.V.

We suggest using or another listing site to purchase or sell an RV or ATV. One of the mission assistants maintains a list of RVs and ATVs that are for sale by missionaries who have completed their missions.


Click here for a list of more detailed FAQs for missionaries: